The meaning of kasa (傘) in Japanese and how to use it

This article will give you all of the knowledge you need on the Japanese word kasa, including its Japanese definition and translation, example sentences, and more!

What does kasa mean?

It’s raining! What can you do about it? Get out your kasa, that’s what!

Kasa (傘、かさ) is a noun meaning umbrella in Japanese. The expression kasa wo sasu (傘をさす、かさをさす) means to put up an umbrella or to use an umbrella.

Kasa wa iranai kara kotoba wo hitotsu kurenai ka
I don’t need an umbrella, can you give me one word instead?

Cry Baby: Official Hige Dandism

Below, we take a look at some examples of how to use kasa and kasa wo sasu in Japanese.

To make it easier for you, I have written each sentence in full Japanese kanji on the first line, followed by roman letters (romaji), and hiragana, with the English meaning coming last. I have also highlighted the new word in bold.

Example sentences using kasa

Kasa is the Japanese word for umbrella. Handy when it's raining and you're in need!

Asa kara ame datta no de kasa wo sashita.
It was raining from the morning so I put up my umbrella.

Igirisu jin wa kasa wo sasanai no wa hontou?
Is it true that Brits don’t use umbrellas?

Kasa wo motsu koto wa mendou dakara reinkooto no hou ga suki.
I prefer raincoats because it’s annoying to hold an umbrella.

Kaze ga tsuyoi kara kasa wo sasu to shitemo nureru.
It’s windy so you’ll get wet even if you use an umbrella.

Itsumo densha de oki wasureru kara yasui kasa shika kawanai.
I only buy cheap umbrellas because I always leave them behind on the train.

Before you go: Learn the kana

Do you aspire to read Japanese one day, but not sure where to start? Still only understand romaji? Does it simply seem too difficult to bother with?

Let’s start to change that. The first step towards achieving Japanese literacy is mastering the kana syllabary. This means learning the hiragana first. Hiragana are used to write all Japanese-origin words.

In fact, you can write the whole language with just hiragana – as the third line of my example sentences show! For most people, it takes about 7-14 days to get the hang of the hiragana.

Once you are comfortable with hiragana, you can then move onto the katakana. The katakana are mainly used to write foreign-origin words.

This will actually be considerably easier after you have remembered the hiragana because you will already be familiar with the various syllables.

Mastering the hiragana and katakana will be hugely useful. The sooner you move away from roman characters, the better. Your pronunciation will come on leaps and bounds. The kanji are a longer-term battle, so leave that until last.

So how to learn the hiragana and katakana? There are many free courses online to learn the Japanese syllabary. Back in the day (circa 2005!), I used Heisig’s course Remembering the Kana, which was great, but this is not the only way. Good luck!
